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Figure 2. Carbon fiber. Reed 1H has a cardanic bearing system: vertical axis has thrust rotation bearings and horizontal axis is based on thrust pivot bearings (same concept as in Reed 3P). Such bearing construction eliminates wobbling of a bearing, which has a great impact on the quality of the sound. Among other features, Reed 1H tonearm has azimuth adjustment, replaceable headshell a...[more]



Reed 2G with the laser option   Laser-enabled Reed 2G version continues tradition of Reed 3Q and helps audio enthusiasts to set up their systems using latest technology. Calibrated laser add-on, used in this tonearm version, allows user to adjust VTA and azimuth quickly and precisely.   ...[more]



Another 3Ps innovation is its bearing system. Although tonearm bearing system can be considered as gimbal, it acts like unipivot one. However, major difference from unipivot system is that instead of a single pivot three pivots and both vertical and horizontal axis’ magnetic stabilizers are used. Such bearing system is as rigid as gimbal, but its friction coefficient is as low as in unipi...[more]



P1, O1, P3 – Thales’ semicircle, P1-A1-P3, P1-A2-P3, P1-A3-P3 angles are 90⁰ each, A1,1B1 = A2,1B2= A3,1B3 segments represent tonearm length, 1B – vertical axis of the tonearm, 1P2 – center of the circle, which is drawn through three points -1B1,1B2,1B3,- axis of rotation of the back link component 2P2 – center of the circle, which is drawn th...[more]



    P1, O1, P3 – Thales’ semicircle,     Angles P1-A1-P3, P1-A2-P3, P1-A3-P3 are 90 degrees each,     Segments A1B1 = A2B2= A3B3 represent length of a tonearm,     B – Tonearm vertical axis,     P2 represents a center of circle, drawn through three points – B1,B2 and B3 (tonearm ro...[more]


AF10 Tonearm


Air Force 3 Premium

New Features of Air Force III Premium - New Power Supply Unit is improved to almost equivalent to that of the Air Force One, containing an air condenser having a doubled capacity from the standard model. - Equipped with two separate air pumps for air bearing and vacuum, just like the Air Force One Premium while the original models with only one air pump for both air bearing and vacuum....[more]


Air Force One Premium

Top-of-the-line model for TechDAS Air Force Turntable series with new integrated concepts and technologies refining the sound, user-friendliness and external finish. Air Force One Premium consists of three units: main unit (including motor), power supply / pump unit and air condenser / air charger unit. Two models available: Air Force One Premium with A7075 Upper Platter Air Force...[more]


Air Force V P

The key feature of the Air Force V Premium - Significantly improved chassis that is precision machined from solid aluminum, just like the upper models in our product line. Instead of an assembled chassis consisting of aluminum panels as in the original Air Force V, the new Air Force V Premium employs a massive chassis CNC machined from solid aluminum alloy. This results in a significant...[more]


AirForce Zero

Driving System 1. Crystal Oscillator Reference clock oscillator that provides a clock signal to stabilize rotation frequencies for the motor. 2. Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) This functions as a synthesizer to divide the input clock signal according to the values of frequencies determined by the microprocessor, converting high frequencies to low frequencies so that they will ...[more]



Our choice was to use a jewel pivot as found in the finest of aircraft instruments, which offer the lowest friction possible via mechanical means. Stabilisation is via outrigger pivot, which allows for precise azimuth adjustment. VTA is adjustable on the fly using a 40TPI microscope fine pitch thread vertical adjustment mechanism. Clamping is by a triangulated locking system which avoids the co...[more]


Coralstone Platinum

The Koetsus Coralstone Platinum phono cartridge is a work of art. The body of this cartridge is designed to resemble a piece of coral. The coils are wound from almost 100% pure copper.     ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


The fine grain of the wood and the special resin content come together create a new cartridge with an organic and sensual sound the like of which has never been seen.   Have you heard of YAKUSUGI cedar?   It is a type of cedar that grows naturally in mountains above 500 meters above sea level on Yakushima Island in Japan, an island registered as a World Natural Heritag...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


The finest spruce harvested from the same forest as “Stradivarius”   AR use the finest “spruce” for the body shell that is harvested in the northern Italian South Tyrol region and used as the top wood for violins. he northern Italian South Tyrol region is said to be the forest area where materials for the renowned “Stradivarius” were harveste...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Adoption of newly developed “IF adhesive” stylus tip fixation for precise and powerful sound Previously, no attention was paid to fixing the stylus tip and cantilever. It’s natural because it is a world where is invisible to the naked eye. However, it is an undeniable fact that considerable pressure has been applied on the fixed part of the stylus tip and cantilever over a...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


It uses custom hyper elliptic stylus, which are polished more precisely than standard products, with coils carefully wound with pure silver wire. The sound obtained from the unique resonance of the body’s hard maple tone wood will fill resonate throughout any room and bring it a refreshing atmosphere. Experience the sounds of raw instruments and vocals. You will hardly be able...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Gold Pr

The first non-wooden bodied Koetsu.  The body of the Gold Pr is machined from a block of high quality Onyx stone.  Each block is carefully selected for natural grain and polished to a very fine finish. The use of Onyx results in the cartridge being one of the heaviest at 12g.  The coils and cores are very tightly matched among the production models.  The Onyx Platinum is als...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Diamond cantilever supplement available for Platinum Series Koetsu...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


As with all the Platinum series of Koetsu cartridges, it uses a set of very tightly matched Platinum-alloy magnets. The body of the cartridge is carved out of a solid block of Jade.For such delicate work, Koetsu Japan specially commissioned a craftsman to handle the task.  The final design was chosen after assessing many prototypes. Koetsu Japan had long held the belief that the best way...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Phono stage step up transformer specific for all Koetsu cartridges. ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Obsidian is the latest result of Continuum Audio Labs’ decade-plus of research into turntable design. Following the launch of the Caliburn turntable in 2005, we have explored new areas of materials science, experimented with new mechanical ideas, developed new industrial designs, and recruited new experts to our team—all in the effort to bring the incomparable musicality of the Cali...[more]


Onyx Platinum

The pinnacle of cartridge design can be found in a Koetsu stone body. The body is machined from a block of high quality stone. Each block is carefully selected for natural grain and polished to a very fine finish. Internally, only the most tightly matched silver sheathed copper coils and cores are used. Rare platinum magnets allow the stone body cartridges to fully create the ethereal ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Papillon Studio 15

The Metaxas & Sins “Papillon” Analog Tape Reproducer is the first Tape Recorder to use the same concept to support the rollers and mechanics of the delicate tape path. It is an entirely newly designed professional reel to reel tape studio recorder and playback machine which challenges the notion that we’ve been able to extract all the information from magnetic tapes and meet...[more]

Tape Player/Recorder

Red K Signature

The Red T and Red K Signature are very similar in construction.  Electrically, the Signature offers a more closely matched core and coil set.  Cosmetically, the Standard is distinguished by a sloped base when viewed lengthwise while the Rosewood Signature is rectangular-shaped like the other Koetsu cartridges.   ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Red T

The Rosewood Standard and Signature are very similar in construction.  Electrically, the Signature offers a more closely matched core and coil set.  Cosmetically, the Standard is distinguished by a sloped base when viewed lengthwise while the Rosewood Signature is rectangular-shaped like the other Koetsu cartridges.   The Rosewood Standard/Signature is also so...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

T-RX Tourbillon

In horology, a tourbillon ( French: “whirlwind”) is an additionto the mechanics of a watch lever escapement to increase accuracy. It was developed around 1795 and patented by the French-Swiss watchmaker Abraham-Louis Breguet on June26, 1801. The Metaxas & Sins T-RX Analog Tape Reproducer is the firstTape Recorder to use the same concept to absolutely regulate the speed of the ta...[more]

Tape Player/Recorder

TDC01 Cartridge

This unique housing made of A7075 Super Duralumin, and although difficult to machine with such extreme precision, is an ideal form factor to dissipate extraneous energy coming from the record groove. This, in turn, allows the generator system to reproduce only the clean signal of the music itself. The result is absolute purity of tone, with deep, detailed bass, extraordinary smooth clarity of ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

TDC01 Ti Cartridge

TechDas TDC01 Ti employs a unique magnetic circuit that enables a high output voltage (0.45mV) with low internal resistance (1.4 ohm). Semi- line contact stylus ip minimizes any tracing distortion. Futhermore TechDas employed a range of accessories  attached to maximize the superb performance of the cartridge.   ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Titanium Tonearm Wand TDTW-01Ti Armwand to upgrade Graham Phantom Elite tonearm (10 inch) A one-piece high rigid tonearm wand machined from solid pure titanium with special hardening treatment Stella Inc. is pleased to offer an option to upgrade the acknowledged Graham’s PHANTOM Elite tonearm. This new titanium arm wand has been developed based on our accumulated experiences of engine...[more]



The Thalie comes from an artistic activity and not an industrial one.   This turntable is build with the minimum amount of parts; each of it has a clearly defined role and is fully optimized to perform perfectly the purpose it was designed to fulfill. The Thalie was designed with tree main objectives:   1: Perfect reliability. 2: To reach the best sound quality. ...[more]


The Signature

The Red Signature (Platinum) looks very much like the Red Signature.  The similarities however, stop there.  The body of the Platinum model is made from aged Rosewood which gives it a darker color tone.  The greatest difference though, is inside.  The coils of the Pro IV are made of 6N copper wire, painstakingly clad with a silver jacket. The magnets are made of the propri...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Urushi Black

The Urushi’s come in 3 cosmetic finishes Gold (Wajima), Black (Tsugaru) and Vermillion.  The Gold (Wajima) finish encrusts the whole cartridge body with gold flakes and is the most difficult to produce.  The Black (Tsugaru) starts with a base piano-black finish and has bands of gold speckle along its sides.  The Vermillion is finished in a less striking reddish la...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Urushi Gold

The Urushi come in 3 cosmetic finishes Gold (Wajima), Black (Tsugaru) and Vermillion. The Gold (Wajima) finish encrusts the whole cartridge body with gold flakes and is the most difficult to produce. The Black (Tsugaru) starts with a base piano-black finish and has bands of gold speckle along its sides.  The Vermillion is finished in a less striking reddish lacquer color.  ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Urushi Sky Blue

48The latest variant in Koetsu's very highly regarded Urushi series, the Urushi Sky Blue uses an Alnico magnet producing a .4mv output. The coil windings are silver wire, rather than the alternate copper-and-silver wire found in the Urushi Vermillion. ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Urushi Vermillion

The Urushi’s come in 3 cosmetic finishes Gold (Wajima), Black (Tsugaru) and Vermillion.  The Gold (Wajima) finish encrusts the whole cartridge body with gold flakes and is the most difficult to produce.  The Black (Tsugaru) starts with a base piano-black finish and has bands of gold speckle along its sides.  The Vermillion is finished in a less striking reddish lacque...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Award Winning Product

Viper Tonearm: Minimal Mass, Maximum Rigidity To many enthusiasts and experts, the Viper tonearm supplied with Obsidian might look impossibly massive. Once they lift it, they will immediately realize that not only is the Viper much lighter than it looks, it’s also much more rigid than other tonearms. Why such a large tonearm? Because every percentage of increase in the width or ...[more]


Air Force 2 Premium

New Features of Air Force Two Premium - New Power Supply Unit is improved to almost equivalent to that of the Air Force One, containing an air condenser having a doubled capacity from the standard model. - Equipped with two separate air pumps for air bearing and vacuum, just like the Air Force One Premium while the original models with only one air pump for both air bearing and vacuum....[more]


Air Force III

 TechDas Air Force III is the newest member of the Air Force family of turntables and draws heavily from the experience TechDAS gained in building Air Force One and Two. All three Techdas turntables feature air bearing and vacuum hold down technology that contributes in no small way to the super silent background noise performance. Through isolation and damping of extraneous vibrations and...[more]


Air Force One

Platter  the core feature of the The Air Force ONE is the uniquely designed platter. It consists of an air-bearing main platter and an upper sub-platter with(optional) vacuum hold-down. Main Platter: ¨The Main Platter of  The Air Force ONE is fabricated of 19kg of non-magnetic SUS316L stainless steel. The material is first forge processed (heat treated) to increase hardne...[more]


Air Force Two

Major features -Air bearing and vacuum hold-down techniques, which have been transmitted from Air Force One -Sits on four feet, employing a newly developed oil damping air suspension system -Platter weighing 10 kg is machined precisely out of solid aluminum (A5056) -Chassis frame structure made of aluminum casting (AC4C) achieves maximum intensity and workability. Dual layer str...[more]


Air Force V

Our most affordable model that preserves the “Air Force” technologies The Air Force turntables feature unique and refined “air” technologies which include our air bearing that allows the platter to flow on a very thin layer of air. This mechanically isolates the rotating platter and the record from any vibra-tion. Additionally our vacuum hold-down system clamps an...[more]



Moving coil cartridge

Caliburn System

The Caliburn is the uppermost of two models currently available from Continuum. It comes complete with the ultra-rigid Castellon stand – an integral part of its design, made from aircraft-grade aluminium with a magnetically levitated upper shelf. The matching tonearm is Continuum’s top-end Cobra.This is this most technically advanced way of playing back vinyl records yet devised. Co...[more]



The Copperhead's shape is refined and sleek, maintaining the signature free sound inherent in the Cobra design. The wand is eggshell thin with special contours and compound curves to "shape" the resonant behaviour of the arm, only visible with specialized software tools, but clearly audible to experienced listeners. The Copperhead presents an opportunity for everyone to access the most advanced...[more]


Criterion System

Continuum Audio Labs was a relative unknown before January CES 2004 when it quietly launched the Caliburn Cobra system. The audiophile world was shocked by the advanced performance of this and soon learned that it was a product engineered to play music with higher fidelity than any other system to date.

Several orders followed the launch and it was a year later that January CES 2005 Stereo...[more]

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