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Moving coil cartridge
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Coralstone Platinum

The Koetsus Coralstone Platinum phono cartridge is a work of art. The body of this cartridge is designed to resemble a piece of coral. The coils are wound from almost 100% pure copper.     ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Gold Pr

The first non-wooden bodied Koetsu.  The body of the Gold Pr is machined from a block of high quality Onyx stone.  Each block is carefully selected for natural grain and polished to a very fine finish. The use of Onyx results in the cartridge being one of the heaviest at 12g.  The coils and cores are very tightly matched among the production models.  The Onyx Platinum is als...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Diamond cantilever supplement available for Platinum Series Koetsu...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


As with all the Platinum series of Koetsu cartridges, it uses a set of very tightly matched Platinum-alloy magnets. The body of the cartridge is carved out of a solid block of Jade.For such delicate work, Koetsu Japan specially commissioned a craftsman to handle the task.  The final design was chosen after assessing many prototypes. Koetsu Japan had long held the belief that the best way...[more]

Moving coil cartridge


Phono stage step up transformer specific for all Koetsu cartridges. ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Onyx Platinum

The pinnacle of cartridge design can be found in a Koetsu stone body. The body is machined from a block of high quality stone. Each block is carefully selected for natural grain and polished to a very fine finish. Internally, only the most tightly matched silver sheathed copper coils and cores are used. Rare platinum magnets allow the stone body cartridges to fully create the ethereal ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Red K Signature

The Red T and Red K Signature are very similar in construction.  Electrically, the Signature offers a more closely matched core and coil set.  Cosmetically, the Standard is distinguished by a sloped base when viewed lengthwise while the Rosewood Signature is rectangular-shaped like the other Koetsu cartridges.   ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

Red T

The Rosewood Standard and Signature are very similar in construction.  Electrically, the Signature offers a more closely matched core and coil set.  Cosmetically, the Standard is distinguished by a sloped base when viewed lengthwise while the Rosewood Signature is rectangular-shaped like the other Koetsu cartridges.   The Rosewood Standard/Signature is also so...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

TDC01 Cartridge

This unique housing made of A7075 Super Duralumin, and although difficult to machine with such extreme precision, is an ideal form factor to dissipate extraneous energy coming from the record groove. This, in turn, allows the generator system to reproduce only the clean signal of the music itself. The result is absolute purity of tone, with deep, detailed bass, extraordinary smooth clarity of ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge

TDC01 Ti Cartridge

TechDas TDC01 Ti employs a unique magnetic circuit that enables a high output voltage (0.45mV) with low internal resistance (1.4 ohm). Semi- line contact stylus ip minimizes any tracing distortion. Futhermore TechDas employed a range of accessories  attached to maximize the superb performance of the cartridge.   ...[more]

Moving coil cartridge
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