Pickup Mechanism : Philips CDM12 PRO 2 with custom modifications and new clamp Power supply : EMI rejection by Schaffner filter. Five transformers and 7 regulations on the transport. One for each critical part of the transport : display, servo mechanism, micro-processor, digital output stage. Detachable AC cord with IEC plug Umbilical 1 meter long harness between both unit. Power consumption : 50 VA Standard Digital Outputs : 1 S/PDIF 44.1 - 96KHz
1 S/PDIF 44.1KHz
1 AT&T ST 44.1 - 96KHz
1 AES/EBU 44.1 - 96KHz Front Panel : Silver for Power Supply Dimensions (WxHxD) : 450 x 450 x 160 Weight : 28 kg / 56Ibs
Made around the best materials selected for their ability to deliver the best sound, the KALISTA REFERENCE presents a totally innovative design and a new classic aesthetic way to extract the best sound from CD media.
The KALISTA REFERENCE includes a new ELEKTRA POWER SUPPLY and an ingenious vibration control support: the SILENT BASE. A specially designed transparent helmet protects the reading mechanism when the unit is not in use. The separated ELEKTRA POWER SUPPLY allows removing most of the EMI/RFI pollution coming from the power supply by using a special AC filter designed specially by Metronome Technologie. The high capacitor value for each stage provides a total isolation between the KALISTA and the rest of the system ( 1,2 Farad ) .
This permits to isolate mechanically the sensitive electronics components like crystal oscillator from the vibrations induced by the transformers.
Also by the use of totally separated Elektra power supply for the different stages (display, servo control, motor, digital output stage) the level of noise and capability of silence reproduction are increased by a wide margin.The display could be put OFF by a selector on the power supply rear panel: all electrical noises coming from the display are removed and the sound is again one step better.
The SILENT BASE support permits a huge sonic improvement with more silence between musical notes, incredible soundstage and dynamic contrast reproduction. This platform is constituted of one 40mm thick Perpex part relied on 3 free stainless steel balls feet.
This architecture employs the best of many vibration damping principles, including the dissipation of vibration energy in both the vertical and horizontal planes.The KALISTA REFERENCE main unit is sited on top of the Silent Base and linked by his conical feet. All parts (CD player, battery power supply, silent base) are delivered in one FLIGHT CASE, which can also be used as to support the KALISTA REFERENCE Silent Base and main unit.