Inputs: 1 Constellation Direct XLR, 1 standard balanced XLR, 1 unbalanced RCA
Outputs: metal binding posts
Power output per channel: 8Ω (1 kHz @ 1% THD+N) 200 watts
Power output per channel: 4Ω (1 kHz @ 1% THD+N) 400 watts
Frequency response: 10 Hz to 80 kHz, +0/-0.5 dB
Gain:14dB Constellation Direct, 26 dB Balanced & RCA
Output impedance: 0.1Ω
Input impedance : 20KΩ Constellation Direct, 10KΩ RCA unbalanced, 20KΩ XLR balanced
Siganl-to-noise ratio: >-95 dB, A-weighted
Output noise : <70 µV, 500 kHz BW, -116 dB @ 250 watts
Weight: 55 lbs/24.9 kg
Dimensions: 8.5 x 17.0 x 19.0 in 216 x 432 x 483 mm
The Inspiration STEREO 1.0 amplifier perfectly embodies this aesthetic. It's not exactly the same as our Hercules and Centaur stereo amplifiers, but one must look carefully to discover the differences.
As with all Constellation Audio amplifiers, the heart of the Inspiration STEREO 1.0 is our unique Balanced Bridged circuit topology, which combines multiple single-ended amplifier modules in a fully balanced design.
Our Balanced Bridged topology uses only N-type output transistors, so the two halves of the audio signal are always perfectly balanced. In most fully balanced amplifiers, the schematics for the positive and negative halves of the amplifier circuit are mirrored, but one half uses N-type transistors and the other half uses P-type transistors. Thus, a perfectly balanced output can never be achieved.
Achieving a perfect balance between the two halves of an audio signal is possible only when the incoming signal is itself perfectly balanced. This is why the Inspiration STEREO 1.0 uses the same Line Stage Gain Module circuit found in all Constellation Audio products. The Line Stage Gain Module's servo circuits assure that both halves of an incoming signal are perfectly balanced, no matter what the source.
Given its conservatively rated 200 watts per channel, though, you are highly unlikely to exhaust the Inspiration STEREO 1.0's dynamic reserves. A custom-wound toroidal transformer, feeding a total of 24 capacitors yielding a combined 240,000 microfarads of storage, assures that the Inspiration STEREO 1.0's output stages always receive the clean, ample voltage and current needed to achieve maximum musicality and sonic transparency. Massive heat sinks, ventilated through hundreds of ventilation ports in Constellation Audio's trademark machined-aluminum side panels, assure cool, reliable operation.
The Inspiration STEREO 1.0 is the very essence of the Reference-series Hercules and Performance-series Centaur amplifiers, distilled into a more compact and affordable package.