Application Digital Room Correction Features Eliminating room acoustics problems Optimizing system performance Frequency response adjustments Impulse response adjustments Graphical user interface through standard Windows PC Connections Stereo RCA input, 1 V nom. Stereo RCA output, 1 V nom. Frequency Range 15 Hz ÂÂ 20kHz optimization range Resolution Lossless 24 bit audio signal Power consumption 10 W Shipping weight: 8 Kg Dimensions 430 (W) x 86 (H) x 390 (D) mm.
The launch of Copland DRC-205 is the world premiere of an add-on unit for high-end room correction. Copland DRC-205 drastically improves the sound reproduction at the push of a single button. The influence of room acoustics has been one of the most disregarded factors in the pursuit of the perfect sound experience. In fact, most listening room have serious acoustic problems degenerating the sound performance. The acoustics of the listening room is most likely to be the weaker link of the hi-fi system. The direct sound from the loud-speakers is blended with unwanted sounds from the room. In a typical living room, the standing waves at room resonance frequency and sound reflections easily account for +15dB / -20dB ivergence from the desired audio characteristics, deteriorating the sound quality from the hi-fi system. The DRC-205 analyses and calibrates itself to tonal balance, a distinct three-dimensional sound experience, while minimizing the rooms nfluence on the sound.
The invention of Digital Room Correction (DRC) is one of the most significant improvements to sound reproduction for decades. DRC is an advanced time domain based technique where omplex anti-reflection signals are generated to counteract room resonances and room cancellations while leaving the original sound signal unaltered. The Copland DRC-205 is based on the Danish technology provider DynatonÂÂs DDRC module. The DDRC module is the key component of the system, employing a unique scalable room compensation algorithm without distortion of the original music signal. Copland has found the highly complex and patent pending Dynaton algorithms to be truly uperior and recommendable for high end applications. Operation The Copland DRC-205 is very easy to operate and does not require any previous knowledge of room acoustics or audio technology. Simply connect the Copland DRC-205 between the signal source and the amplifier. Plug in the accompanying microphone, push a single button, and the room will be thoroughly measured and the entire system optimized within seconds. The Copland DRC-205 room correction is now activated. Besides the default setting for flat frequency response in the listening room, alternative predefined sound profiles can be activated by a single push of the select button. High performance Digital Room Correction Performance
The difference between an uncompensated system and one with Copland DRC-205 is distinct and clearly audible. Minimizing the effects of room acoustics Natural tonal balance with more contrast and definition Highly improved stereo imaging 3D and depthReal bass response Voices are clear and natural FeaturesThe first impression of the Copland DRC-205 hides the fact that there are many more possibilities than the user friendly front panel reveals. The predefined sound profiles will satisfy the vast maority of music lovers. However, the more demanding users can store their own sound profiles via a standard Windows PC. The Copland DRC-205 comes with a graphical user interface, which can be installed from the ccompanying CD-rom. By installation on a standard Windows PC, an advanced equalizer can be accessed, allowing the user to adust the frequency response in the room and to actually see the frequency response of the system on frequency curves before and after compensation. Copland DRC-205 can be connected between the signal source and amplifier, or to any amplifier with an ordinary analog tape monitor in/ output. In co-operation with Dynaton, Copland offers the opportunity to upgrade the DDRC technology. Updates are done via user-friendly software available for download on the Copland and Dynaton websites. The Copland DRC-205 employs state-of-the-art 24 bit/192kHz AD/DA-converters which can also be found in the critically acclaimed Copland CDA-822 and CDA-823 CD-players. Graphical user interface A standard Windows PC will allow the user to adust the frequency response in the room through the advanced equalizer.