Audio Products

Master Clock


Lina Master Clock

Master Clock

Rossini Master Clock

The new dCS Rossini range makes superlative sounding music from a wide range of digital sources, simply integrating your digital music and setting the performance standard for digital playback.   Rossini Master Clock is a simple to use Grade 1 master clock, based on our pioneering developments in studio and home audio. Featuring three separate clock outputs capable of outputting di...[more]

Master Clock

Varese Master Clock

The Master Clock utilises our new ACTUS and dCS Tomix protocols to deliver unrivalled jitter performance, providing our lowest jitter, lowest drift and most accurate clocking signal. Its design is informed by our decades of experience developing audio master clocks for both professional and home use.   ...[more]

Master Clock

Vivaldi Master Clock

Vivaldi Master Clock is a powerful yet simple to use Grade 1 master clock based on our pioneering developments in studio and home audio. Featuring two banks of clock outputs capable of outputting different frequencies, Vivaldi Master Clock uses the latest groundbreaking technology from dCS.   In a digital audio system, samples must be accurate in level and time but jitter, which ex...[more]

Master Clock